Hamiltonians have pride in their city, are satisfied with their housing, and enjoy a good work-life balance according to new survey results.
The 2024 Quality of Life Project report, prepared for nine councils every two years, has been released and shows 77% of Hamiltonians surveyed rate their quality of life positively.
Hamiltonians described ‘health and wellbeing’ (30%) and ‘financial wellbeing’ (21%) as the top reasons for their increased quality of life compared to 12 months prior.
More than half of the respondents (51%) said they are happy with how Hamilton looks and feels. This reflects the trend across the wider Waikato, which had a 63% positive view of the look and feel of their local area.
Mayor Paula Southgate said, “It’s great to see our city maintain its reputation as a great place to live, but I know times are still tough and there is always more to do make our city an even better place to live.
“Council is focused on what the community has told us matters most – a beautiful, fun and safe city that people love to live in, where people and businesses thrive.”
We have a healthy score on work-life balance, with 62% of Hamilton respondents in paid employment agreed they are satisfied with the balance of work and other aspects of their life, while only 19% are not satisfied.
Significantly more Hamilton respondents are happy with their housing than the average across the other cities. 79% agreed their home suits the needs of everyone in the household compared to the national average of 74%.
Government and media took a battering on whether they were trusted. In Hamilton, local government was trusted more than central government and media, but it was close – 45% said they didn’t trust local government, 48% said they didn’t trust central government, and 46% said they didn’t trust media.
527 Hamiltonians responded to the survey. The survey was conducted by independent research organisation Ipsos for Auckland, Hamilton, Waikato, Tauranga, Hutt City, Porirua, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.