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As Hamiltonians prepare to enjoy the upcoming public holidays, the city’s daily water use continues to climb most days.

Hamilton City Council is urging residents to look at different ways to reduce their water use as the volume of water used in January has hit 80 megalitres per day.   

“This is a 15% increase and far more than the average summer figure of 69 megalitres per day,” said Unit Director - Three Waters, Maire Porter.  

We know that Auckland Anniversary and Waitangi Day weekends historically have the highest daily water use levels of summer. The heat means residents use more water to fill their pools, water their garden, wash their boats or play in the sprinkler. We want residents to use water wisely at home and appreciate that it’s not an infinite resource”. 

Porter said while it may look like the Waikato River is full, there is not an unlimited supply - there are limits of how much we can take each day. 

“We are asking people to be mindful of how much water they use and encourage water savings as an everyday habit”, said Porter. “We’ve managed to avoid putting water restrictions in place for the past few summers and we want to keep it that way.” 

While Hamilton summers often include spells of rain, it does not replenish the city’s supply. The city’s water comes from the Waikato River which relies on rainfall in the Taupo region. There are limits to how much water we can take from the Waikato River.   

There are simple things people can do to play their part in saving water: 

  • Wash your boat or car on the grass so your lawn gets a water too. 
  • Hold off washing dishes and laundry until you have a full load. 
  • Use a timer in your shower. Shortening your shower by a minute saves 12 litres of water. 
  • Always use a timer if you use a sprinkler. 
  • Use a trigger on your hose to direct water where you need it most. 
  • Pour old bottles of water on your plants instead of down the sink. 
  • Collect water from your shower while it is heating up and use it to water your plants  Smart water - January consumption figures-1

Hamilton’s water use figures can be viewed here. 

For more information and water saving tips visit 

About the water alert level system: 
The four water alert levels and their corresponding restrictions are a way to use water sustainably and ensure there is a consistent supply throughout summer.  

Water Alert Level 1 
Use sprinkler systems between 6am – 8am and 6pm – 8pm 
Hand-held hosing can be used anytime 

Water Alert Level 2 
Use sprinkler systems on alternate days between6am – 8am and 6pm – 8pm 
Hand-held hosing can be used anytime 

Water Alert Level 3 
No use of sprinklers. 
Hand-held hosing only 

Water Alert Level 4
No use of outside water systems 

About Smart Water 
The Smart Water starts with you! sub-regional campaign aims to make long-term change to how we use water and is a partnership between Hamilton City Council and Waipā District Council. It aims to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of water from source to tap and support schools, organisations and the community to value water and use it in an efficient way.


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