Te kaunihera o Kirikiriroa
Home > Your Council > Policies, bylaws, and legislation > Legislation
View some of the key legislation that applies to New Zealand's local authorities.
Local Government Act 2002
Local Government (Rating) Act 2002
Local Electoral Act 2001
Biosecurity Act 1993
Building Act 2004
Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002
Dog Control Act 1996
Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987
Gambling Act 2003
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996
Health Act 1956
Impounding Act 1955
Land Transport Act 1998
Land Transport Management Act 2003
Prostitution Law Reform Act 2003
Public Records Act 2005
Public Works Act 1981
Rates Rebate Act 1973
Rating Valuations Act 1998
Reserves Act 1977
Resource Management Act 1991
Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941
Transit New Zealand Act 1989
Transport Act 1962
Last updated 13 June 2022